Monday, February 3, 2025Way before your teen gets behind the wheel, he or she begins driving mentally and watch what you and others are doing while driving. In this way, he or she can get a good idea about driving, then finesse his or her skills with practice. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 1, 2025The price of gas is only going up these days. With the amount of miles most Americans drive each day for work and other activities, this expense can add up quickly, affecting how much money you have to budget for other living expenses. But, there is hope! You don’t have to go buy an electric car, or cash in your car for a bike, just yet. READ MORE >>
Monday, December 2, 2024The most common of winter injuries are slipping and falling on snow and ice. Sometimes these falls result in serious injuries, requiring expensive medical attention and lost time at work. Common injuries include broken wrists or arms, a broken pelvis, back problems and head injuries. READ MORE >>
Friday, November 1, 2024Are you about to set up camp in your RV for the duration of winter? A little snow and ice may provide just the right challenge for your adventurous spirit. But it is important to properly prepare for such an endeavor before the weather gets too bad. Follow these tips to make your RV a more hospitable home this season. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, October 1, 2024Way before your teen gets behind the wheel, he or she begins driving mentally and watch what you and others are doing while driving. In this way, he or she can get a good idea about driving, then finesse his or her skills with practice. READ MORE >>
Monday, September 2, 2024You know that you need to buy homeowners insurance to protect your house. But what about other buildings on your property like storage sheds, carports, gazebos or fences? Can your home insurance cover them? The good news is that it can, but this coverage falls under a special benefit called other structures or detached structures insurance. READ MORE >>
Thursday, August 1, 2024Extreme summer temperatures are not only uncomfortable, they’re also dangerous for your health. This is particularly true for older adults and children, who are more susceptible to illness. Read on for more information about heat-related illnesses and top tips for preventing them. Heat Exhaustion READ MORE >>
Monday, July 1, 2024Life insurance provides a financial payment to a beneficiary when the covered individual dies. In every situation, the covered individual should want to leave funds behind to meet his or her goals when obtaining this policy. However, state law determines if another person can obtain such a policy. READ MORE >>
Monday, June 3, 2024Homes come in all shapes and sizes. As an insurance agent, you have a job to help homeowners match their coverage to their home as closely as possible. This includes dealing for anomalies. For example, when someone buys a rural property, there might actually be more than one building to insure. READ MORE >>
Thursday, May 16, 2024Workers compensation insurance helps give you the financial protection against medical bills and lost time at work should an employee be injured on the job. However, the right business insurance provider can not only help cover those costs, but can also help to minimize the risk of injury at your workplace. READ MORE >>
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